Thursday, February 21, 2008

New Website Forum to Share Views

Residents of Ward 12 are continuing to put our faith in our elected officials to help find a solution to our public safety concerns. Some residents will be participating in a Committee proposed by Councillor DiGiorgio to work towards a permanent solution. Any further updates or meetings will be posted.

Meanwhile, residents encourage ALL MEMBERS OF OUR COMMUNITY (and other communities) to exchange ideas and strategies regarding how to stop the nuisance in your own neighbourhood.

Please visit the link below to register (for free) and discuss what's on your mind.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Community Safety - Who Takes Responsibility?

So far, residents have contacted the Ministry of Community Safety, the Ministry of the Environment, our local, provincial, federal politicians, along with city officials from licensing and standards and fire officials. We are still looking for someone to step up to the plate to take specific measures and assume responsibility for the safety of our community.

The following responses have been received so far from the Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Community Safety & Correctional Services. We await further response from other parties.

From Ministry of the Environment:
Thank you for your e-mail.
The matter is currently under investigation by the ministry’s Investigation and Enforcement Branch

From Ministry of Community Safety & Correctional Services:
You raise a valid safety concern, and the ministry appreciates your taking the time to write about it. As the matter you raise falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Environment, you may wish to send your concerns directly to that ministry via its website contact page at
I trust this is helpful.

Below is from a section of the Ministry of the Environment's Environmental Protection Act (EPA)...with YES marked where applicaple to an explosion with flying debris (propane tank and bits of burning debris)

From EPA
1. (1) In this Act,
"adverse effect" means one or more of,
(a) impairment of the quality of the natural environment for any use that can be made of it, YES
(b) injury or damage to property or to plant or animal life, YES
(c) harm or material discomfort to any person, YES
(d) an adverse effect on the health of any person, YES
(e) impairment of the safety of any person, YES
(f) rendering any property or plant or animal life unfit for human use,
(g) loss of enjoyment of normal use of property, and YES
(h) interference with the normal conduct of business; YES

"contaminant" means any solid, liquid, gas, odour, heat, sound, vibration, radiation or combination of any of them resulting directly or indirectly from human activities that causes or may cause an adverse effect; ("contaminant")

Monday, February 04, 2008

Still no response from the Mayor's office

So I sent out my letters to my MPP Laura Albanese, City Councillor Frank Di Giorgio and, of course, Mayor Miller. Everyone at least responded to me within the week with the exception of the Mayor's office. Over the past two and a half years this is the one part of our municipal government that has been consistently silent on this matter. I understand that Mayor Miller must be a busy man, coming up with ideas to collect more taxes, like raising them and inventing new ones. That has to be tiring work. Really though, how much energy would it take to answer one question. There was really the only one that I had asked him that I wanted an answer to, "What is the City of Toronto going to do make sure that our families can feel safe in our own homes?"

One week later I guess I have my answer. Nothing. Mayor Miller's office has demonstrated to me that they do not care about the safety of the people that live in this city by completely ignoring the people that pay to live in this city.

I am Sean Kloosterman and I live on Westbury Cres. in what was once Toronto "the good".

Friday, February 01, 2008

Response from Laura Albanese MPP

Wednesday January 30, 2008

Dear Constituent,

The Ministries of Community Safety, Environment and Labour confirm that on January 26, 2008 at approximately 11:30 a.m. the Spills Action Centre notified the Ministry of Labour on-call inspector of an explosion that occurred at G.B. Scrap Metal Ltd. located at 96 Hyde Avenue in Toronto.

The Ministry of Labour is investigating, I will be sure to keep myself informed of the result.

My office also contacted the Fire Department who confirmed that, although the weekend fire was not a big fire, this is the third one in last three years. The Fire department will have a report on fire code compliance at the site on Wednesday January 30 and I will make sure I am aware of that as well.

I have also been in touch with the Ministry of the Environment to inquire about Spills Action Centres and the legislation and regulations that surround them.

I am in contact with the Spills Action Centre. My understanding is that the yard is currently legally allowed to operate but I pledge to continue to keep in touch with Ministry officials to ensure that compliance at the site is reliable and that the site is operating according to all regulatory codes.

I will continue to monitor the situation and follow-up on the matter on behalf of the residents of York South-Weston.

Sincerely, Laura Albanese MPP York South-Weston