On August 29th, 2006 I sent a copy of the following email to the Mayor of Toronto David Miller and City councillor Frank De Giorgio:
"My name is Sean Kloosterman and I live at 81 Westbury Cres. in
Toronto. As I am sure you are aware, there was a large fire in the
scrap yard on Hyde st. in the ravine directly behind my house. I have
personally witnessed many small, unattended fires in this yard over
the five year period in which I have owned my home, for this reason I
am not at all surprised that last weeks fire took place. Furthermore,
I have since been informed by my neighbours that this is not the first
time the fire department has been called to that particular scrap
yard, in fact this was the fourth fire in the past 17 years. It is
reasonable to assume that this will not be the last fire that we can
expect from this scrap yard if it continues to operate.
This part of the city has, in recent years, seen an increase in
residential homes and operating a scrap yard in the middle of a
residential neighbourhood is simply unsafe. I am asking for your
assistance in ensuring the safety of the people living in this area;
the danger that this scrap yard imposes to our property is
unacceptable and the potential environmental impact of the yard in a
residential neighbourhood needs to be assessed. Aside from the risk
of another fire, issues like air quality and chemical residue from the
large plume of smoke need to be investigated and taken into
consideration. Our back yards, where our children play, where we cook
on our barbecues, and enjoy our free time are not the safe places we
once thought they were because of this scrap yard.
I have attached some images that I took of the fire from my front and
back yard on Thursday, August 24th, 2006. Please review them and
understand that this is where we live. We need to be able to feel
safe in our own homes and I do not see how that is possible while this
scrap yard continues to operate.
Thank you,
Sean Kloosterman"
Included with the above email were the following photos:

On Wednesday, October 18th, 2006 a community safety meeting was scheduled to discuss the fire on Hyde ave. The person responsible for the meeting was Councillor Frank De Giorgio. Sadly, none of the residents of Westbury Cres. received notice that this meeting would be taking place, it was only by accident that one of the neighbours, Vince Nicholson found out about the meeting. He circulated flyers through his neighbourhood and, with less than two days notice a large number of residents still showed up for the meeting. Even though the residents of Westbury cres. had no idea that this meeting was going to take place the scrap yard owner was certainly aware. How this was possible remains a mystery to this day.
The meeting had representitives from Toronto Fire services and By-Law enforcement. We were told about the scrap yard that "it is an inherently dangerous operation". Apparently in the City of Toronto it is acceptable for Schools (less than 1 km away), Community Centres (less than 100 m away) and back yards where our children should be able to play (less than 10 feet away in some cases).
Since this meeting I have made complaints to the City of Toronto By-Law enforcement office and Toronto fire services regarding By-Lay and Fire code violations with no results.
- Sean Kloosterman
1 comment:
Here are two emails that I sent to The Mayor and Councillor Di Giorgio in the summer. I never did hear back from the Mayor. I think I will send him another email
Vince Nicholson/CICA
28/08/2006 11:30 AM
Dear Mayor Miller,
I am a resident of the former City of York. I reside in the area that was evacuated by the 5 alarm fire in the scrapyard (G.B Scrap Metal Ltd. 96 Hyde Ave) on Thursday August 24th.
I am writing to you for advice on what can be done to have this scrapyard shut down permanently. Our street is only separated from this scrapyard by a ravine and this business has been putting the residents of this neighbourhood at risk for some time with it's carelessness.
I have lived in the area my entire life (40 years) and it is unacceptable that this business put the residents at risk from the massive fire that nearly went out of control and toxic smoke. This is not the first time there have been fires at this location, nor the first time there have been issues with this business. (See link and click on video report on history of property http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20060824/etobicoke_fire_060824/20060824?hub=TorontoHome
I have no idea what the cause of the fire was, but it seems that they were up and running TWO days later!
There have been numerous issues at this scrapyard with the previous owner (Waxman Recycling) and this current owner. (And I find it curious that both are listed as having the same address in the yellow pages.)
I understand that you are an extremely busy individual, but I would appreciate any help that you can provide. I don't think that the residents of this neighbourhood should have to put up with the risk associated with living next to this business any longer.
I have also contacted my City Councillor Frank DiGiorgio and am awaiting his response.
Thank you for your time.
Vince Nicholson
"Councillor Di Giorgio" councillor_digiorgio@toronto.ca
12/09/2006 11:48 AM
Good morning Vince,
I am following up with the various departments and Ministries to get answers to the questions below. Also, I am going to have them at the community meeting to answer all questions from the residents in the area.
I will keep you updated and I promise that this situation will be dealt with to the fullest of my abilities and with all the resources available to the City.
Councillor Frank Di Giorgio
York South -Weston, Ward 12
>>> vince.nicholson@cica.ca
9/12/2006 8:15 AM >>>
Hi Frank,
Thank you for calling me back.
In terms of the scrap yard situation, perhaps I haven't been clear.
The cause of the fire at the scrap yard at 96 Hyde Avenue does not make much difference to myself and the residents that I've talked to.
The fact that such a large, out of control fire happened is proof enough that the scrap yard continues to be a hazard (and I would argue that it is more of a hazard and safety concern than ever)
To me, it is more important to investigate:
a) Does this scrap yard have the appropriate licenses
b) How often this scrap yard have been fined/cautioned/investigated by the Ministry of the Environment
c) How often have they had fires that have involved the fire department
d) Why are they allowed to be such a safety hazard in a residential community?
I have spent my time visiting the land registry to find out who owns 96 Hyde Avenue. I have also filled out noise complaints, talked to the firemen at the scene, and submitted a Freedom of Information Form with the Ministry of the Environment.
I don't mind doing these things as a concerned resident, but I would hope that as our Councillor, you would at least look into a, b,c & d, and then meet with residents.
Concerning the ravine entrance that we looked at, please let me know when it is determined whose responsibility it is. Like I mentioned previously, somebody is cutting the grass at the top, and somebody had been taking care of the bottom portion of the weeds and brush (cutting it regularly) up until this year, but nobody has cleaned the garbage up for approximately 10 years.
And since I was the person that originally lodged the complaint, and have the best knowledge of how the area was previously maintained, I think that myself and fellow residents should be involved any decisions/meetings that occur. If I had not attended the original meeting, you probably would never have seen the garbage that I was talking about.
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