Monday, February 04, 2008

Still no response from the Mayor's office

So I sent out my letters to my MPP Laura Albanese, City Councillor Frank Di Giorgio and, of course, Mayor Miller. Everyone at least responded to me within the week with the exception of the Mayor's office. Over the past two and a half years this is the one part of our municipal government that has been consistently silent on this matter. I understand that Mayor Miller must be a busy man, coming up with ideas to collect more taxes, like raising them and inventing new ones. That has to be tiring work. Really though, how much energy would it take to answer one question. There was really the only one that I had asked him that I wanted an answer to, "What is the City of Toronto going to do make sure that our families can feel safe in our own homes?"

One week later I guess I have my answer. Nothing. Mayor Miller's office has demonstrated to me that they do not care about the safety of the people that live in this city by completely ignoring the people that pay to live in this city.

I am Sean Kloosterman and I live on Westbury Cres. in what was once Toronto "the good".


Unknown said...

The Mayor NEVER answers any of his email, he has a "large" office of communications specialists that constantly forward issues to the various departments.

To think we're stuck with him and his puppets for the next 3 years

sax said...

i to believe that expropriation is the only answer. I believe the home owners should be the ones the government goes after . The scrap yard was there before them so it has every rigth to be there. People must learn to look before they buy a place and check out it is in the kind of place they want to settle in. Not to buy it and try to change it to what it was they were looking for. I am sure this man's house was not the first one he looked at. And i bet the price he paid was less than a similar house in another area without a scrap metal yard in the area. Deal with it . YOU MADE A BAD CHOICE AND NOW DON'T EXPECT OTHERS TO COME AND BAIL YOU OUT. maybe the next house you buy you will do more homework and not come crying to the newspapers and the internet because you did something you now regret

Residents Of Ward 12 said...


You are dead wrong. These homes were built in the late 1930's. The scrap yards were not there until after that. None of the residents had major issues with any of the industry until AUGUST 24, 2006 when our lives were rudely interupted. The Scrap Yard keeps pissing us off with their actions, don't make it out like we are doing anything wrong other than trying to live our lives in peace.

Vince Nicholson

Westbury Resident said...


Two things are for sure one, you have no idea on what the hell your talking about, and second one is that judging from your account you just became a member so you could leave rubbish as comments.
One other thing, you probably don’t even live around the area, I will even go as far as saying you probably are GB Scrap Metal by the way you have left your message, but by god we residents of Westbury will take this AS FAR AS NECESSARY TO PROTECT OURSELVES OUR NEIGHBORHOOD AND CHILDREN.

VN: Resident of Westbury

Lisa said...

SAX..Who in their right mind would leave comments like the ones u posted? I agree...
You must not live, let alone own a property in this area. U must hate people, children, animals and the environment.
I have not had any regrets about buying here. I love my home.
I don't give a crap how long scrap yards have been here! Everyone has the right to be safe. We have the right to fight for change.
GB scrap is not welcome here.


Unknown said...

I got a response from the mayor's office. I posted it under the Boom! thread of Jan 27th. In fact I got two responses, another one came yesterday, from a different staffer, exactly the same wording as the first. Apparently, they send out form letters and the mayor never sees our e-mails.
Oh yeah, as everyone has said here, sax is a troll.

Residents Of Ward 12 said...

I reluctantly accept the fact that the Hyde Avenue ravine is zoned for industry. I can live wioth the auto-shops and even Frederick's dogs.
Hyde Avenue, however, is NOT zoned for fires. It is NOT zoned for explosions. Fires and explosions kill people.
Sax (who apparently does not have the balls to put his name to his comments) chooses to ignore that inconvenient truth

Unknown said...

Have a look at this article out of the Star.
Apparently these guys think it is their right to put us out of our homes at 5 am.